About Debby Rose
I love photography. It’s that simple. I love how photography has the capability to “capture the moment.” Sometimes it’s hard to look at the captured moments because so much has changed. And sometimes it’s comforting to look at the captured moments, because so much has changed. Moments in life.
This web site is meant to introduce you to my work. Like my photography, it is a work in progress. Most of the black and whites were originally shot on a thing called film! I developed the film and printed the original images myself. The black and whites, in the "Tribute, " "Windows" and "Airport" portfolios are scans of the prints or the negatives.
Since 1998 I have been the staff photographer for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. A job in which people immediately picture me photographing wildlife and landscapes. I do photograph landscapes quite often, but mostly, my job is photographing people. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources owns the copyright to these photos, I have included them as part of my work portfolio.
I hope you enjoy looking at my work. As a photographer, I don't take photos for them to sit in a shoebox or on my computer, I take them for people to look at! Hopefully, you will see something interesting or in a new light. Thank you.